Docker provides a way out of this mess by reducing the task of installing and running software to as little as two commands (docker run and docker pull).Dagda is a tool to perform static analysis of known vulnerabilities, trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats in docker images/containers and to monitor the docker daemon and running docker containers for detecting anomalous activities. docker-zeek - Zeek IDS Dockerfile #opensource.Most websites show that it can be done in just one or two command lines. I tried to install Docker on my Raspberry Pi (Raspbian GNU/Linux 10).Based on content from: Getting Started with Airflow Using Docker, Mark Nagelberg This rest of this post focuses on deploying Airflow with docker and it assumes you are somewhat familiar with Docker or you have read my previous article on getting started with Docker. Deploying Airflow with Docker and Running your First DAG.If the COMPOSE_FILE environment variable is set when ecs-cli compose is run, the Docker Compose file is set to the value of that environment variable. Docker Compose minor versions are not supported.